
フォーク/ロックシンガー ナナメ/nanameの思想と音楽を素直なままに吐き出すブログです。


The Human Paradox / Dynazty





















The Human Paradox


Artist: Dynazty


Welcome to my attraction

One step in the wrong direction

One choice, is all you have to make

One ride and the world is ours to take

You're treading a thin red line

When you're trying to read my mind

In here, the world ain't black or white

No rules apply, no wrongs or rights


Can you really tell me what is right or wrong

When they're two sides of the same coin

Viewed in different ways

The Human Paradox

Step right into pandemonium

Welcome to my delirium

My Human Paradox

The Human Paradox


Join in on a grand expedition

A trip through my contradiction

Complex, diverse I guarantee

Your chance to be all you can be

I'm letting my nature talk

It's the only way I will walk

Life roars when given room to breathe

Let's break the laws of you and me


Can you really tell me what is right or wrong

When they're two sides of the same coin

Two different shades of me

The Human Paradox

Step right into pandemonium

Welcome to my delirium

My Human Paradox

The Human Paradox


Can you really tell me what is right or wrong

When they're two sides of the same coin

Two different sides of me

The Human Paradox

Step right into pandemonium

Welcome to my delirium

My Human Paradox

The Human Paradox


Can you really tell me

What is right or wrong

Two sides of the same coin

Two different sides of me

Step right into pandemonium

Welcome to my delirium

My Human Paradox

The Human Paradox

My human paradox

The human paradox